Thursday 31 August 2023

PTSD After Losing a Loved One

 You may have spent many hours, days, weeks and years tending to your loved one through the dying process. Sometimes, during the time, we are given hope of recovery, but other times, the terminal word is used. 

Going through the process is an ordeal and takes a toll on us. Of course, it is worse for the sick person, however don't underestimate the effect on you. 

Added to that, if the passing was terrible those dreadful memories come to haunt us. 

I believe many people develop PTSD during and afterwards. I suggest you look up the symptoms and see if it fits you. It is not always recognised as grief has similar outcomes. Get help if you feel that you are suffering from PTSD. . 

Going though the illness with them and watching them wither away in front of your eyes is awful. It is traumatic. Often we try to put on a brave face, but inside we are crumbling. 

Trauma is trauma whether you are in a war zone or watching your son dying in hospital. 

Get the help you need. 

Love, Wendy x

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