Tuesday 5 September 2023

Underground Pain

 After loss, the pain is unbearable. It sits inside of us with nowhere to go. You are not over-reacting, it is normal how bad you feel. 

Mostly, we try to keep it hidden, but every minute it is with us. 

I never believed that pain could be so strong and relentless. But remember, in time, it lessens and we kinda find a way to carry it around with us. 

Allow yourself to cry, wail, sob and be a disgusting mess when you need to let it out. I would cry till my eyes burned and I felt completely worn-out. The more you let it out, the better for your healing. Held in the pain will express itself anyway by making you sick or go into shutdown.

Express the pain and as your cry those hot tears know it is releasing, which is healthy and a positive outcome. 


Wendy x 

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