Monday 18 September 2023

Being Kind to Yourself

 During the grief process, we need to be kind to ourselves, It is such a difficult time and there are many hurdles to jump. Berating ourselves for not achieving it all is counter-productive. 

This is one of the most terrible times of our lives and we do what we can. Sometimes, even getting a meal on the table is too hard or leaving the house. But remember that we are in the grieving place are not alright. 

I felt like a shell of myself unable to do the most simple things. I was in a fog of grief only going through the motions. Be gentle with yourself, kind and loving. 

In time, we become better and able to return to our lives on some level, but be aware of your situation. Say No when you can't do it, No when you need time alone, and No to anything that adds more stress. In a way, be a little selfish because no-one feels like you do. 

Part of our recovery is taking care of ourselves and knowing what we can and cannot do. 

Love, Wendy x

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