Tuesday 7 May 2019

Finding your happy place

Once a loved one dies, nothing is ever as before. The structure of your former life is changed and the days ahead seem empty.

Grief leaves an aching hole in your heart. 

Surviving on a daily or sometimes, hourly level are your new challenges. I found that the sadness was consuming and getting back some semblance of happiness was hard.

However, try every day to do or enjoy something that makes you happy. It may be lovely breakfast, a walk through the park, or doing a hobby. When possible laugh and smile again. In these small moments, we are happy and it reminds us that life is still beautiful.

The truth is that the grief walks with us regardless of what is happening around us. I tried to be mindful and focus on that moment of happiness or joy. To fully immerse myself in this time and give my day a ray of sunshine.

It is like the break in the clouds when a little light peeps through.

Gradually, as time passes you may have more of these moments and slowly your life becomes less painful. Do not feel guilty for being happy because happiness does not mean our deeper feelings of loss are gone. We simply focus on another aspect of life for a while.

The journey is difficult and challenging. However, our greatest challenge is to go ahead without them. To find meaning again in our world and rebuild it gradually.

 Allow yourself to be happy again, while carrying them in your heart forever. They would not want us to suffer without them here on earth.

Love, Wendy x .

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