Tuesday 21 May 2019

Doing it your way

Unless you have experienced deep loss, you cannot really understand the wider implications. Many people suggest things but I urge you to follow your own feelings. Only you know how it feels...well kinda. Some days I could not even comprehend where I was in the whole process.

However, please by guided by your own instincts.....yes, they are still there. Follow your own pace and do what you can when you can.

 Grief fluctuates and it is best to use a day by day approach.

You are not always getting better...some days you are getting worse, so rest and soothe yourself. Go back to work when you decide, begin socializing when you want and do not always listen to others.

Remember that they are not carrying the emotional load you are. Their well meaning suggestions come from a another space of normal life. The life we had before but now does not exist. What they suggest is doable from their perspective but seems insurmountable for us.

Go at your own pace. Forget about the 2 year it is all over idea. The loss process is slow and unpredictable.

Day by day. You know best what feels possible and what is another burden on a bad day.

Trust yourself and stop feeling weak or guilty for not being able to function as before.

Grief is crippling and therefore, allow your healing to take as long as needed. I just keep giving myself more time and have lessened the pressure on myself to get over it now.

We are all works in progress. Love yourself enough to allow the healing to take as long as you need.

Take care of yourself.

Love, Wendy x

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