Wednesday 15 May 2019

Are you experiencing distress?

Distress is a heightened feeling of extreme anxiety, sorrow and pain.

 No one speaks about the distress you feel when a loved one dies.

I had weeks and months of this extreme emotion and initially, did not recognise I was experiencing distress. Because it went on for ages and stayed at a high level, I was consumed by it every day.

Perhaps you have been actually living in a distressed space without having a word for that emotion.

Distress is consuming and tiring. 

I would wake up at all hours and have this awful feeling.  I felt like it was overwhelming the day or night. Eventually, the episodes of being very distressed lessened but then it would come out of nowhere and upset me.

It does pass but you generally have to ride the storm.

Remember grief has many layers so be kind to yourself. Nurture yourself and use whatever works to soothe your soul.

Love, Wendy x

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1 comment:

  1. Practical and insightful and real, all at once! Thank you!
    x Frances
