Thursday 11 April 2019

Rebuilding your life

 After loss, rebuilding your life is unavoidable. Everything changes and I mean everything. The days are never the same and you are forced into this new painful place.

There is only going forward even though you feel completely paralyzed with grief.

Try to rebuild as the days and months pass.

Some of the rebuilding happens because the person you loved is no longer in your daily life. Some of the rebuilding happens because you decide to make the changes.

Rebuilding is not leaving your loved one behind. You step ahead and take them with you in your heart and mind. In a sense, they are with you every day.

Part of the recovery from loss is beginning to live without them. You don't want to do it but have no choice.

The more you rebuild, the sooner you come to terms with your altered life. 

Keep moving ahead. Step by step and your life will get somewhat better. Another life but a life still capable of giving joy and happiness.

Love, Wendy x

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