Tuesday 23 April 2019

Being emotionally upset

Losing a loved one makes you feel very emotionally upset. I felt upset about the obvious loss but there were more things than that. The hopes and dreams I had for the future were gone and I was upset being widowed. I was upset at being alone and with the way others responded or did not respond to my situation. I was upset my world was such an emotional mess!!!

Those around us often have a happy life. We might have had that life too. But now there is no way of getting back that feeling. Happiness is only fleeting. An outing with a close friend, a laugh during a movie or watching the sunset.

Coming to terms with this new and unhappy life takes a lot of adjustment. You know what I mean. You try to be positive and see the blessings around but inside there is an aching hole.

It definitely is the life before they died, and the life afterwards. 

The past is in the past but honestly, it does affect the present and the future. Take your time and only do what you can. Others are not trying to function with a broken heart.

I know we will learn to live this new life. I know we can do it. However, the emotional cost is massive and far-reaching.

Never feel like a failure when it comes to grief.

Navigating through the weeks and months is difficult and tiring. I was totally devastated and lost. Getting my bearings back was a slow and painful journey. Although I kept positive, the underlying emotions were there every day.

I used Emotional Freedom Tapping, release work, meditating, exercise, free writing and talking to friends as ways to let go of the mountain of sadness and disappointment I felt. Maybe you have some ways of your own to release your emotions.

Emotional pain is one of the worse pains because without expressing and releasing the feelings, it consumes us. I continue every day to acknowledge how I feel and let it go. There are layers of it and as I clear one, another surfaces. However, I feel that in the long run I will work my way through the grief and find some peace emotionally.

I send you love and hope you will begin to heal from your loss.

Remember, we only want to lose the emotions, not the memory or love we felt for our loved one.

Love, Wendy x

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