Monday 1 April 2019

Reliving the passing when you go out

Last week I decided to go off to the shops. The day was sunny and I was not too bad. However, after a coffee little treat.... I bumped into some old acquaintances from my husband's baseball team.

Once again, I had to trawl through the sad details and try not to cry in the supermarket aisle.
Usually the people are shocked by the news and you land up consoling them. Telling them you are sorry to have to tell them and generally, having to deal with their grief.

This has happened to me countless times. There were days I avoided leaving the house simply to have a break from dealing with this unpredictable situation.

You can try to avoid others on your bad days but it is a fact of life. Just take a breath and focus on what you have to do. Keep calm because it will be over soon.

Afterwards, it stirred me up a lot. Often I could not eat for hours and the memories flooded into my mind. I was always affected by the encounter.

I have been bumping into people for the last eighteen months and every time is confronting.

Accept it happens, deal with it there and then take very good care of yourself for the rest of the day. 

Love, Wendy x

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