Monday 30 September 2024


Prayer, Meditation and Affirmations

Prayer is a personal choice. Sometimes, the process of death brings you closer to your God. Perhaps your prayers were not answered and the outcome was not what you wished, but your faith continues to be strong. Other times, the loss brings a loss of faith.

I pray all the time. Not in the church but definitely every time I need to speak to God. I also pray to my angels and those on the other side. I ask for guidance and the strength to get through this ordeal. In my prayers, I request that healing be sent to me and others who are struggling with grief.

Prayer is a valuable tool during grief, especially when you have faith. While you are in the angry phase and possibly hating God and everything else, prayer is more challenging. However, don’t shut yourself off from your God. Try to love God unconditionally. Everyone has to die and even God cannot change that truth. Although you may think it was the wrong time or mistakes were made, there is always a plan.

I had a serious accident in my early forties and nearly died. I remember crossing over and seeing the Light and my deceased mum. In a twinkling, I was sent back. It was not my time. It taught me that we only pass when the time is right.

After my husband’s death, my faith increased and it steered me through many sad and lonely times. Instead of feeling totally alone, I knew God and my angels were right there by my side. On the bad days, I struggled to sense them around, but I just nagged them for more clarity and help. I reached out and knew that they heard me.

Going to a church or joining a religious group may give you strength. The sense of belonging fortifies us and brings new light and joy into our lives. It does not matter how long you go or whether you only sit alone in the church and light a candle for your loved one. Just do what feeds your soul.

Meditating is a useful and calming tool. A few minutes every day first thing in the morning or at night may make the difference between coping or not. Meditate when you wish to nourish your soul

It is finding peace in the stillness that gives healing to the soul. I look forward to being in that peaceful space and reconnecting with Spirit. There are many ways to meditate. Do not give up if one version does not work. Find another one.

Some people do a walking meditation, while others attend classes. I simply lie in the Light and connect with my angels. Then I breathe in slowly and bring in positive thoughts and emotions and let go of negative ones. I ask for guidance and try to be in the moment.

Guided meditations are good because they keep you from drifting off and listening to a human voice soothes the soul. There are countless types available. I found that the person’s voice is important as it needs to resonate with you.

During meditation, the body relaxes and often you gain insights into aspects of your life. I look forward to connecting with myself and Spirit. It brings me peace and it is a sanctuary during dark times. Grief is overwhelming and by meditating more love and light enters our soul.

When someone we love has passed, they exist in the realms of meditation and I always feel closer to them. Being both of Spirit, we connect in this sacred space. You may use this time to talk to people who have passed and may receive signs or visions during your meditation. The two worlds blend and the spiritual connection is powerful.

Keep in mind that affirmations are powerful tools for change. By making your intentions and repeating them to yourself they begin to alter how you think and feel. Doing them daily works well. Simply say whatever you wish to change.

Recovering from grief is difficult and trying to think positive thoughts requires tenacity. However, keep saying over and over again what you want to change.

These are some useful affirmations

I am healing from this

Every day I am getting better and better

I am grateful for all that I have had

I have known love. What a gift!

Every day I am getting stronger

I am surrounded with love

I can get through this loss

I am a survivor

There is still some happiness in my day

The world is a loving and beautiful place

I am full of positive emotions and love

My thoughts are positive and powerful

This time will pass

The pain is lessening

As time passes add more of your own affirmations and tell your mind and body that you are healing. Your thoughts make you better because they change your body chemistry. Although there are days when it feels fake and your heart is not in it, continue to affirm.

In a way, it is like self-hypnosis. You are projecting a more positive and healthy life physically, emotionally, and mentally. Some people say them constantly. Others write them out or say them aloud. Use whatever works for you.

Keep positive, even in your negative space and refrain from saying negative statements all the time

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