Sunday 15 September 2024


Change of location

Whether you move or not is your decision. However, if possible, try not to rush into any massive changes. Give yourself six months to a year before deciding. At the start, you are an emotional mess and making any big decision is unwise. Grief unbalances the body and the mind. When you are more settled look at whether moving is a good option.

The home or homes that you shared are full of memories. These memories are constant and the thought of living somewhere else can be appealing. Still, staying put gives stability in an unstable time. Regardless of moving home, you never escape the memories. They are in your heart and mind.

Changing location may be seen as moving on and with this intention you begin your new life. Instead of calling it the sea change, it becomes the grief change.

Now that your life is single your needs are different. Perhaps you want to expand your interests and need a bigger shed. A friend of mine is a blacksmith. He wanted to move to have a larger workshop. He had more time on his hands and his old shed was too small. The move helped him move to a better work location.

Sometimes, we decide to move closer to our family. Loss is lonely enough without being far away from those that we love. Instead of a total move, you may choose to rent out your home and rent the new place. Then you can try it out first. Our society is very transient and you may move only to find that your family changes jobs and moves away.

Do whatever makes you happy and gives you peace. It is your life now.

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